Little Symphony and Junior Orchestra
Eugene-Springfield Youth Symphony

ESYO’s mission is to provide opportunities for youth
to experience, appreciate, and perform orchestral music.
OVER 400 students were part of the 2023-24 special anniversary season!
- We introduced the world of strings to 225 children through String Academy – beginning classes at 13 different elementary schools.
- Our two string orchestras (String Academy 2 and Little Symphony) gave 83 more young musicians a chance to play at the next level in an ensemble with their peers
- Junior Orchestra offered 47 middle and high-school students a full symphony orchestra experience, with winds, brass and percussion and a variety of challenging music. Chris Noel, and ESYO alumni, conducts this training group.
- EYSO’s premier ensemble, the Eugene-Springfield Youth Symphony, consisted of 50 of the finest youth musicians in the area. Dr. David Jacobs leads this full symphony orchestra, performing unabridged works and complete symphonies.
ESYO is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and to providing a welcoming, safe community for young musicians of all backgrounds, cultures, identities, and abilities. Students will join other youth musicians from throughout the area to learn, grow, lead and PLAY!
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